Exercise 11 Arcmap

Exercise 11 by banheraa
Exercise 11, a photo by banheraa on Flickr.

In exercise 11 we were asked to familiarize ourselves on how to make chloropleth maps in Arcmap. In this particular exercise we were to show the distribution of ethnicity throughout a major city and I chose to do Denver, Colorado. At first it was difficult to learn how to navigate Arcmap but once I got the hang of it, it was much easier to complete this map then our original chloropleth map.

Percentage of African Population Living with AIDS

Ex2 - Reference Map I by banheraa
Ex2 – Reference Map I, a photo by banheraa on Flickr.

In this project we were required to create a bivariate map on a subject of our choice. I chose to do the population of African countries and what percentage of their population was living with AIDS. Finding the data was a little difficult because some countries do not keep statistics, but in the end I was pleased with the outcome. I was surprised to see some of the highly populated countries have lower percentage of people with AIDS. I wish I could’ve found the data for the four countries without data, but despite the missing data I am pleased with the end outcome of this map.

North Carolina Chloropleth Map

North Carolina by banheraa
North Carolina, a photo by banheraa on Flickr.

In this exercise we were to learn how to create a chloropleth map manually in Illustrator. We were required to use two different class break methods. Two maps were to be classified by the quintile method and the other two were to be classified by standard deviation. This map was not a difficult one,but extremely time consuming. Having to look up each North Carolina county four times took forever!

Salem Reference map

SSU_Map_C_2012 by banheraa
SSU_Map_C_2012, a photo by banheraa on Flickr.

This map was made for Salem State University as a reference map to help people navigate the campus. I chose to put this map on my blog because I think it is a well done, effective map. Because of the numbering the space is uncluttered leaving the map to look clean and the campus pretty. The streets are nicely labeled and the addition of the south campus in the bottom right corner really makes the map look well put together.

What States are Worst At

5806948776_59d47bed92 by banheraa
5806948776_59d47bed92, a photo by banheraa on Flickr.

I chose this map because it seemed like a map that was not trying to necessarily be educational, but instead silly. Each state is labeled with what they are supposedly the worst at. What I did not understand is the states must be labeled on opinion because I don’t know how you can accurately get statistics on ugliness or nerdiest. For the sake of a funny map this map was clever and done well.

West Memphis Route map

MATA Rt 75-77-78 sched 6_11 by banheraa
MATA Rt 75-77-78 sched 6_11, a photo by banheraa on Flickr.

I picked this map because it was so similar to our map where we could chose a path or plot waypoints. This map does an excellent job labeling the different routes and making them different colors to see them easier. Also I like that they left the faint lines of the city blocks in so that you can still see and know the area well.

Child Population Bivariate_Map

Lab6_Bivariate_Map by banheraa
Lab6_Bivariate_Map, a photo by banheraa on Flickr.

This Bivariate map is showing the population of children under five years old and the average family size. By the look of the map there is good distinction between the class breaks and the circle sizes. A couple things I would do differently is instead of the neat line outside of the of the title, put the title in its own box so that it pops more. I would also put a box around the legends and symbols to separate them from the background. I like that they wrote that they used natural breaks, and the color scheme works nicely. Overall I think that this map was done well, it clearly shows its information correctly and is well balanced.

Beef Cattle in North Carolina

Classed choropleth maps by banheraa
Classed choropleth maps, a photo by banheraa on Flickr.

This map was created to show the amount of emissions cattle produce in the counties of North Carolina. I chose to critic this map because it is very similar to the cloropleth map we had to create in class. I like this map because the title is nicely legible, along with the legend and scale. The only thing I would change if this were my map is make the background a different color other then white. The white looks nice but a nice gray or other would make the reds really pop. Something interesting to see next to this map would be emissions from CO2 in the counties, to see the difference in what lets off the most greenhouse gases in which counties. This map is a very well done map, and shows its topic with ease and clarity.

Proportional Symbol Map

The requirements for this activity were simple: we were to create a proportional symbol map on anything we wanted. I chose to do the percent of people who claim to be German in WI. I chose this becasue WI is known to be a state with high rates of German ancestry. One thing I struggled with while making this map was reflecting the data into the proportional circles.I was unsure on how to scale them correctly at first,but eventualy got the hang of it. Overall I am pleased with this map, I think it has a nice overall effect. I enjoyed seeing that Milwaukee area and Madison had the most German heritage, but was surprised to not see a larger amount of german heritage in the LaCrosee area seeing as they host the annual Oktoberfest each year.

Map projections: South America

Final south america by banheraa
Final south america, a photo by banheraa on Flickr.

This map activity was ment to teach us how to use Arcmap and learn about all the different map projections there are. Our goal was to export 10 different map projections and overlap them so that you can see how they differ from one another. This map was difficult for me because at the time I was unfamiliar with how to work arcmap. I had issues with the outlines overlapping eachother, however once I figured it out it became quite simple. The only thing I would change is my text. My colored text is blurry because at the time I had accidently left the fill option on in Illustrator. Lastly I would have created a text box around the text to clean up my map and not make it seem so cluttered.